"I came upon your John Cale gigography while trying to recall a gig I
saw here in Dallas when I was 17. I noticed that the show on 11/21/84
in Dallas is noted as "both the year, and indeed, the show itself,
are open to debate". Although I can't confirm the exact date, I
did see Cale play a solo gig at a small punk bar in downtown Dallas
when I was in high school, and this would have to be it. I don't
recall seeing the opening band, but the name "The Pedaljets' does
ring a bell – maybe from the flyer. Cale played solo. Just a
keyboard (electric piano), I think. The venue was called The Twilite
Room and was open in downtown Dallas circa '82-'88. It changed
names a few times late in life, but I think it would have been known
as the Twilite room in '84.
I remember that when my friend and I left and were driving through
downtown, we saw Cale walking down the street alone carrying his
keyboard. Like a couple of teenage knuckleheads, we yelled "Hey
man!" at him. He looked a little freaked out and scurried around the
corner toward his hotel."
Steve Zimmerman